"These arguments we have are a mark of our
liberty. We can never forget that as we speak people in distant nations
are risking their lives right now just for a chance to argue about the
issues that matter, the chance to cast their ballots like we did today."
- Barak Obama
Oh, fantastic. We have free speech in this country. We can argue about which of the two representatives of Goldman
Sachs and Haliburton is the most handsome and enunciates his words
better. And like virtually every other nation in the world, we can go
through a sham election in which the same policies are put in different
wrapping paper and re-sold to us. But we can never forget, Mr. Obama,
that as we speak people right here at home, not just in "distant nations",
are fighting for the chance to argue about the issues that matter--and
they're being stymied by your administration. I'm talking about the same whistle-blowers whose bravery you praised in 2008 but
have piteously hunted down and imprisoned and tortured in the four years
since then. I'm talking about the fact that your administration has
used the notorious Espionage Act more times than all previous presidents
COMBINED, more than Bush/Cheney and the paranoid Nixon administration
or Red-Scared Reagan. I'm talking about the fact that your
administration attempted to use the National Defense Authorization Act
to detain American citizens indefinitely, without trial, just for being
SUSPECTED of having ties to Al Qaeda. And when your abusive practices
were ruled unconstitutional, you promptly put my tax dollars to work in
trying to overturn the ruling. I'm talking about the fact that when
thousands of Occupiers tried to voice their dissent, tried to "argue
about the issues that matter" in locations paid for by their tax dollars
and where they could actually be heard for a change, you called in the
dogs and had them forcefully relocated to far off fields or hidden back
rooms or living room sofas where no one could hear them and their voices
would be effectively silenced. I'm talking about the fact that you
charged John Kiriakou with treason for leaking information about
officials involved in illegal waterboarding in Guantanamo and at the
same time haven't bothered to prosecute a single person who engaged in
or authorized the illegal practice in the first place. I'm talking about
the consistent message your administration has sent out that "respect
for the law" applies only to those people who are victimized by it.
I could go on and on here, but my point is simple: Obama has been
re-elected President, and the country remains the same enemy of freedom
and equality it has always been.
Goodbye Hope
2 weeks ago